
Bethlehem-focused Advent and Christmas events

I'm trying to put together a list of events going on this Advent/Christmas season that are raising awareness about what's going on in Bethlehem today, as the world is focusing on the "Little Town" of Jesus' time. Do you know of any? Here are three that I know of, through communication with our Area Reps in the US:

1. The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Michigan are going to lead an Advent event on Bethlehem and the Wall. They asked for a copy of the film "Sacred Space Denied" to use in the event.

2. A Methodist minister in Northeast England intends to focus on Bethlehem in his congregation's Advent liturgies. He also wants to show the film as part of the events.

3. In Madison, Wisconsin, a congregation is having their annual Cookie and Craft Bazaar to benefit and raise awareness about Christians and churches in Bethlehem and throughout Palestine.

Any more? Please let me know if you know of congregations who are using the Wheat Ridge "Bethlehem We Care" materials this Advent season, or having craft bazaars that are either selling goods from Bethlehem or focused on raising funds for or awareness of Christians and churches in Palestine.

Denver Event: Sun, Dec. 2, 3:00 pm: O, Little Town of Bethlehem: A City Besieged


For those in the Denver area: 


Friends of Sabeel-Colorado presents:


O, Little Town of Bethlehem:

A City Besieged

Sunday, December 2, 2007, 3:00 pm

Conference Center, Regis University, Denver
3333 Regis Blvd, Entrance 1, Parking Lot 5

Free and Open to the Public


Panel Discussion: Jeff and Janet Wright have traveled to Bethlehem frequently in the past several years. Janet trains Palestinian therapists in a technique developed to help traumatized people. They will show slides and present a current update of the situation in Bethlehem. Janet will discuss her work with therapists. Several Palestinians from the Bethlehem area will be on the panel to respond to the presentation and answer questions from the audience.


Hand-made olive wood carvings from Bethlehem will be available to purchase - nativities, Christmas ornaments, rosaries, and more! New items just arrived!


Co-sponsored by: Regis University Justice Education Program
For more info: 303-494-2338;

For additional information and advocacy resources on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict:

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